“Keeping our ʻohana safe at the beach is my kuleana. But, stopping the spread of COVID is our kuleana!”
Kertpono Kodani,
Hawaiʻi County Lifeguard
Should I get tested?
You should definitely get tested if you:
are showing symptoms (fever, coughing, shortness of breath, etc.)
have been in close contact (within 6 ft for more than 15mins) with someone confirmed to have COVID
been asked to do so by a healthcare provider or state/local health department.
might have “travel exposure,” meaning you have traveled off-island yourself or have been in contact with someone who visited from off-island.
If none of the above apply to you, contact your MD for guidance. Also, most drive-thru test sites have healthcare providers on hand that will do screenings to determine if you should be tested. Please know that while you can be asymptomatic and may still be able to get tested, your insurance and or other coverages may not apply.
Am I eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Everyone 5 months of age and older is now eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccination. There are vaccines available at clinics across the United States.
All Hawai‘i residents ages 12 and older who completed their primary mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations at least five months ago are eligible for boosters.
Am I eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine booster?
Yes, you may mix and match you initial vaccine dose(s) and your booster dose.
For example, if you received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for your 1st and 2nd dose, you may choose to receive Modern as your booster.
Can I mix and match my COVID-19 vaccine and booster dose?
Should I social distance and avoid large gatherings even if I have a mask on?
Yes! Social distancing, avoiding large gatherings, and wearing a mask are all recommended by the CDC. While wearing a mask will protect those around you by preventing virus droplets from traveling into the air from your nose and mouth onto other people, the best way to protect yourself and others is to maintain your distance.
What if I am only around the same people and don’t go anywhere?
Unless you are completely off the grid, catch and grow your own food - ketchup and mayo included - and you don’t get anything from outside delivered to you like mail and all those you come in contact with are in the same situation, you are potentially being exposed! So you should still follow the simple guidelines of masking up and washing your hands frequently as well as social distancing and avoiding large gatherings for those few times you may actually have to interact with the public. Source: Common Sense